i’m floating….

Seriously, I feel like I am about to float away.  I mean, how many more liters of fluids can they give a girl to flush this cold away. When I asked if my blood pressure was okay today, my doc actually said “if you are a mosquito it would be fine”.  How special.  He is really a funny and caring guy.

What the heckfire, I say! I am so over this rash of annoying head colds, oh yeah and over the cancer bits too.  So can they float those things away and not my brain?  Posts are a bit fewer because, well… I like to actually write some substance and not just be a complainy cancer bitch, I think I’m supposed to say Vixen, but I’m feeling more like a bitch this week.  Stay tuned for clearer thoughts when the sniffles fade.

Nitenite loves.

For fun photos of mosquitos with normal blood pressure, check it:  http://intellectualventureslab.com/?p=653